Thursday, April 1, 2010

For Starters...

Hello everyone!

I'm not sure who will be reading this yet...this is all a bit new for me. But I was thinking today and realized something. I love crafting and I love fashion but I'm not necessarily good at making clothes. But I love putting outfits together with all the awesome little accessories that are always out there for us women. =)

So this blog comes with a personal goal for myself. I am going to try posting at least once a week with some current trends and easy, Etsy ways to stay on top of everything. That is the purpose of my business: to make jewelry that is fun but sensible and beautiful. So I hope you enjoy this ride with me and I look forward to the adventures this may bring!


P.S. My Etsy store is: Check me out!!!


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Thanks for taking the time to leave me a note - it means the world to me!!! Have a beautiful day and I hope to talk to you again soon!

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