Monday, July 23, 2012

make it better Monday :: play date!

It seems like life just keeps on going and I can't quite seem to catch my breath.  But however poor my time management skills may be, there have been some fantastic little moments that I love having the opportunity to remember while I write this post for make it better Monday!

I have to say, play dates are one of my favorite parts of being a mom.  The kid gets lots of energy out and I get to spend some time with some fabulous women!  These are some pictures from last week's play date!

like my twinsie Kristin from Petal and Thorn.  Yes, I talk about her a lot.  Yes, she is awesome.  Yes, you should go check her out if you haven't already. =)  The hats are from Urban Outfitters if you are wondering.  =)
Hito had the perfect smile right before the camera clicked...  But my friend Jennie looks cute, doesn't she?!
Aren't these mammas beautiful?  It ended up being hat day for most of us.  =P  Their little girls are the  cutest too!
And then we get home and this kid still finds the energy to come home and pull pretty nearly every toy in the box.  =P 
All told, despite getting sick over the weekend, it has been great just chilling with the hubby and kiddo, sleeping, and reading.  All great summer activities even if I was forced to do them because I was sick.  =P  

Have a beautiful day, everyone!


Megan said...

How fun, I love all your hats!! :)

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