Friday, September 10, 2010

Getting my act together!

Hello all!  Many apologies for being gone for an unforgivably long period of time.  But now I am back and my goals are set, my materials are staring me in the face, and everything is pretty set to go with those collections I keep teasing all of you with!

But I am still stuck facing that insurmountable obstacle: myself.  I love pretty nearly every single thing I make.  I know this business well enough to know that I won't be able to keep going if I don't believe in my designs and products 100%.  So I invest a lot into what I am making.  That being said, I still want other people's approval of what I make and do.  And that tends to get me into an uncreative rut.  I get stuck waiting for other people to sit and look at what I'm doing and say it is amazing.

Self-sufficiency is the number priority on my to-do list this week. =)

Have a beautiful day!


Sara said...

Your well-wishing comment on my blog led me to yours. First of all let me say I am feeling better and the show this past weekend was great. Thanks for your good wishes!

Secondly, I totally get where you're at, waiting for the approval of others. The best way to beat that is to get out there with your creations! I love doing craft/art shows and hearing what everyone has to say about my wares. Even if they don't buy anything, their responses are invaluable to me.

(I better stop with my comment now ~ I think I feel a blog post on the subject coming on.)

Keep up the good work!

"Auntie B"

Unknown said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Auntie B! You are absolutely right! And I am working on finding shows like that in my area. I haven't lived here very long and am missing the network I had previously.

Have a great week!

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Thanks for taking the time to leave me a note - it means the world to me!!! Have a beautiful day and I hope to talk to you again soon!

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