But the point of this post is a little thoughtful reflection on my short time as a mother. My little one is six months old today. It feels like a landmark of sorts. (I'm sure we all remember how important half birthdays were when we were young too. The older I get, the more I am trying to forget birthdays and just enjoy each individual day but that is another post altogether.) It feels like we have gotten through some of the hard stuff, have gotten to know this little person, and am ready to tackle the future as it comes to me.
I doubt there is anything that any mother loves more than watching their children grow. Regardless of what the growth looks like, it is a mother's pride and joy to know that they have contributed to the development of this once baby but quickly growing person. Man, if I am this nostalgic at my baby's half year birthday, I'm going to be a wreck when he gets older. =P Here are some of the things that I am savoring, remembering...thanking God for...each and every day.
Whether we are trying new tastes or finding all the facial muscles God gave us, this little one is making Corby and I two of the most blessed parents alive.
Have a beautiful day!
(P.S. If you watched the video, he is licking/sucking on a pineapple core. He's just like mommy - we both love sour. =P)
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