Monday, June 18, 2012

A Jane Austen post :: Pride and Prejudice

Alright folks.  It was bound to happen.  I am going to start talking very openly about my Jane Austen addiction.  And I think I would have to call it an addiction.  I religiously watch one of my movies pretty much once a month...sometimes more often...And one or another of her novels pretty much live on my night stand or is first up on my Kindle (yes, I do both books and e-readers, another conversation for another time).

ANYWAY!  The point is - I heart Jane Austen.  Anything Jane Austen.  And I am in the throes of another one of my monthly...periods (and no, it does not coincide with my other period although my husband might argue that it is just the same).  :)

So today?  I was scouring Etsy looking for Pride and Prejudice-y things to decorate my little office area with.  (I'm rearranging my work space.  Pictures will be forth coming.)  And I found some things that I am dying to have.

P.S.  This "A Jane Austen post" is likely to become a series.  Check back for more of my obsessions with this amazing author and my interactions with her still relevant and excellent books.

The best print ever!  via: FlourishCafe
Simple but perfect print as only Jane Austen could say it!
And for a little bit of whimsy - heart garlands!
There were so many other pretty things that I would love to get but somehow I think my husband might draw the line at having a house entirely decorated and filled with all things Jane Austen. =)

Have a beautiful day!


Megan said...

I LOVE Jane Austen!! I watched the mini series of Pride and Prejudice (With Mr. Colin Firth) and I just LOVED it!! As soon as it was finished I had to re-watch it again I just loved it soooooo much!! Yay for Jane Austen!!! :) (PS Did you see my Jane Austen hoop in my embroidery shop? ;))

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