Thursday, September 18, 2014

A return to the blogosphere!

Did you miss me world?!

Just kidding.  =)  I know I have been out of touch recently.

I have very good reasons.  Shortly after my last post, our family got into a bit of a housing dilemma and have been working to resolve it for the last few months.  But that meant significantly less time to blog because I was working on packing a house, taking care of my littles, and trying to figure out what the future might look like - even a little idea of what it might look like...which has not been forthcoming.

Now the reality is that I still do not know what the future will look like - but we are almost all packed, almost moved, and so ready to get out of this unknown stage of our life.  But I missed my little blog so I am back to give it a little TLC and give people an update about what has been going on.

So here are the high lights of the last few months:

  • Baby girl turned 1!
We made a day of it at Disneyland and we actually got a family picture!  Even if the kids are distracted.  =)
  • Not so baby boy turned 3!
He was so excited for minions AND balloons that he started jumping up and down.
  • Dear friends and family visiting
My "brother from another mother" finally visited us

Grandparents were with us for a few weeks and it was a great treat

That meant lots of story time with grandma

And most recently, tea with my sister and one of my oldest friend's visiting from Hawaii.  Betcha can't tell which one is my sister?  =D
  • And lots of boxes...
No, I do not actually have pictures of boxes.  But I probably should document some of that process and stuff.

It's kind of amazing how two birthdays (just in our family - there were three others in the extended family) can fill up time!  There are gifts and family dinners and activities to do and then there is a bit of a recovery period too.  Toddlers who stay up late just a little too long can take a little while to get back on track.  =)  

But with moving into a new place soon, I have lots of ideas for how to make it cute and liveable.  Those ideas will hopefully be making it to the blog very soon!  As well as a bit of a backlog of Project Pinterest posts!  I still have those going and am very excited to share some of them with you!  And if you want me to try anything for you, send it my way and I will see what I can work out!  

Can you believe that it is September already?!  That means it is time to start working on Christmas gifts!  Which I am excited about because I have some fun ideas for friends and family this year.  Maybe we will have a holiday themed Project Pinterest in the next few months!  

Until then, have a beautiful day!


Megan said...

love this little update! your little ones are getting so big!!
and i am so excited for the winter holidays too! (esp christmas!!)

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