As I read the stories of heroism and bravery in the face of death, I am afraid. Truly afraid. My brother could be one of those stories soon. Whether he is one of the men who lives to tell his story or whether others have to tell it for him remains to be seen. But the people you hear about, read about, who gave their lives so selflessly for their country required a sacrifice of others also. There were families of wives and husbands, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, who survived their soldier and now with pride and heads held high tell their stories to you.
What am I trying to say...I'm not sure. Perhaps it is just to admit the very real fear that is starting to make itself known as the date for my brother's deployment grows closer. A fear that I may be one of those people telling stories. But even as the fear becomes more apparent, my prayers grow stronger and longer and more fervent to the God who keeps all His children in the palm of His hand and at the center of His will. I know in whom I have believed and I am comforted with the knowledge that my brother does also.
This is what I am trying to say: keep listening to those stories. And when you have listened, pray. Pray because there will always be more stories to be heard and more families in need of comfort from the Great Comforter Himself.
My brother is on the left with his new bride (my new sister!). Please keep them in your prayers. |
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